Thursday, June 30, 2011

Beatles' Day-by-Day History : Recording: She Loves You, I'll Get You


Okay, starts from today, I'm gonna tell you about the Beatles' day-by-day history. So there'll be daily post from me about their history.
On this day the Beatles recorded both sides of their fourth UK single, which would be released on 23 August 1963.
The group began recording at 5pm at Abbey Road's studio two, and finished at 10pm, although the session had been booked for 2.30-5.30pm. The two songs worked on were "She Loves You" and "I'll Get You".
Although documentation for the session no longer exists, it's known that The Beatles filled three reels of recording tape. The precised number of takes for each song is unknown.

"I was sitting in my usual place on a high stool in studio two when John and Paul first ran through the song on their acoustic guitars, George joining in on the choruses. I thought it was great but was intrigued by the final chord, an odd sort of major sixth, with George doing the sixth and John and Paul in the third and fifths, like a Glenn Miller arrangement. They were saying, 'It's a great chord! Nobody's ever heard it before!' Of course I knew that wasn't quite true!"
George Martin - Producer

Also on this day The Beatles posed for photographs in and around studio, for an EMI photographer.

Recording session data:
Time : 1 July 1963, 5-10pm
Place : Studio 2, Abbey Road (EMI) Studios, London
Session Producer : George Martin
Session Engineer : Norman Smith

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